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Suzanne Somers Tribute

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I miss you Suzanne….you were and still are my health guru and lesson in beauty. More than that, you taught me love and family.
I started getting busy from about July on…I was not watching the weekly vids as much. I too was hoping this was just a sick leave and she was going to come back for her weekly vids.
I am thinking the last time I saw her was Al’s Birthday Vid. No makeup and fresh, she looked younger than her years. I was hopefull as well. I do not believe we saw her after that, I could be wrong. But if that was the last time we saw her, I believe she looked so young and thats the way I will always remember her.
Facemaster, moisturizers everything….I too been around since her first Suzanne cosmetic line, one of her first direct marketing reps…. truthfully the beauty comes from inside. And Suzanne….was beautiful.


I’m sad to hear of Suzanne’s passing. My deepest condolences goes out to all of her beautiful family and friends. May Suzanne’s legendary memories live on forever. I still watch her everyday on Three’s Company and she still cracks me up a million times over! This is a tough one! May Suzanne rest in peace and may God provide her loving family with strength, love and support.


I’m sad to hear of Suzanne’s passing. My deepest condolences goes out to all of her beautiful family and friends. May Suzanne’s legendary memories live on forever. I still watch her everyday on Three’s Company and she still cracks me up a million times over! This is a tough one! May Suzanne rest in peace and may God provide her loving family with strength, love and support.


My condolences to the family. I had just found Suzanne the beginning of this year and started buying her products and watching you tube videos. I wish I would have found everything sooner. She was very special..I did not personally know her but I felt like I did. She was the nicest person in all ways. While watching her videos she helped me try to be a better person. Al and her were so in love and she loved her son Bruce and his family and also Al’s children so much. I don’t know how to describe what she has done for me. My heart goes out to all of you and I will miss her and her videos terribly. She was a beautiful wife, mother, grandmother, and just a beautiful person. God Bless You, you are in my prayers.


My dearest Suzanne, You may or may not know how many lives you have touched throughout your life. I never saw you upset and were always such a positive, loving woman. Going back so many years, I’ve always enjoyed your speeches and words of wisdom. Thank you for showing us how to live, love, laugh. I don’t remember when I started watching your LIVE feeds on FB… But, I was always anticipating them. I couldn’t wait. You and Alan were so hilarious together. His sense of humor was different, but you got it and loved it. I sometimes got it (Ha!). Your love was so real. I could see how much you adored each other. A love that is one in a million. You knew why you were put on this earth, and it was to show us how to live clean. Plus, of course, finding out how to do it. With lots of research. You have helped so many people, including me. I loved you sharing your love and life with us. You will be missed so very much. May God bless Alan, Bruce, and all the family. And may you Rest In Peace Suzanne. Love Always, Cyndee

Cyndee Tabhan Arsenault

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