Iron Plus
Iron Plus
Highly Absorbable Iron Succinylate
Iron supplements are recommended for people with lower than optimal levels of iron in their blood. This is something your doctor usually checks in your annual exam. Low iron levels become more common as people get older. If you are feeling fatigued, ask your doctor if low iron levels could be the problem.
For those who are taking iron supplements to help boost their levels, many people experience stomach issues, such as constipation. This form - Iron Succinylate causes less stomach issues. If you’ve been told you need iron, Iron Succinylate, is much easier on the stomach and it’s highly absorbable.
If you don't eat a lot of red meat, then you could certainly benefit from an iron supplement a couple days a week. I don't eat a lot of meat except maybe some poultry here and there. I think it's good to add iron to your supplement routine if you are like me and border low iron levels.